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Pelajari tentang kelas MBA 2024: Influencer dan Inovator

Pelajari tentang kelas MBA 2024: Influencer dan Inovator

Bisa dibilang kelas 2024 penuh dengan kontradiksi. Mereka mendorong batas tetapi menghargai keselamatan. Mereka merangkul kerumunan sambil mendambakan keseimbangan. Mereka berusaha untuk keunggulan, bahkan ketika mereka berusaha untuk kompatibilitas. Dengan kata lain, mereka menginginkan segalanya – dampak, pertumbuhan, ketangguhan, makna, dan komunitas – tidak seperti MBA sebelum mereka … seperti generasi yang berkembang.

Kelompok usia 2024 datang di tengah gejolak teknologi dan keruntuhan ekonomi. Sekarang, mereka menghadapi dunia VUCA yang terperosok dalam utang dan ketidakadilan, semuanya dikelilingi oleh percepatan perubahan iklim. Taruhan tinggi ini – dan kemungkinan di sekitarnya – menarik jenis MBA yang berbeda. Tidak terlihat lagi dari Columbia Business School Chris Scanzoni.

Seorang pria punya rencana

Chris Scanzoni, Sekolah Bisnis Columbia

Dia menggambarkan dirinya sebagai “pemeluk pohon, gay, vegan, mantan perwira Angkatan Laut yang didorong untuk memimpin dekarbonisasi ekonomi dan mempromosikan kapitalisme terbarukan.” Cita-citanya tidak konyol dan cepat sirna dalam mencari pekerjaan. Bagaimanapun, Scanzoni menunda studinya dan pindah ke seluruh negeri untuk bekerja sebagai penyelenggara kampanye politik… sebelum dia cukup umur untuk memilih. Sejak itu, ia naik pangkat di Angkatan Laut AS, akhirnya menjadi Perwira Operasi Informasi Taktis di SEAL Angkatan Laut. Dalam prosesnya, ia menyadari bahwa latar belakang militernya memberikan titik awal yang sempurna untuk mewujudkan hasratnya.

“Kami dihadapkan pada masalah terbatas waktu (“simpul kritis”) dengan informasi yang tidak lengkap (model iklim dengan kesalahan kepercayaan) dan sumber daya yang terbatas (teknologi tahap awal),” katanya. P & T. “Menyuling konsep teknis, membangun aliansi, mempertaruhkan hasil yang tidak terduga, dan eksekusi taktis untuk mendukung strategi jangka panjang (dekarbonisasi dan regenerasi) adalah keahlian inti dari sebagian besar perwira militer.”

Sebagai mahasiswa tahun pertama di Columbia, Scanzoni bermaksud membenamkan dirinya dalam kancah startup teknologi di New York City. Jauh dari sekolah bisnis, ia menimbang segalanya mulai dari menjadi Pejabat Keberlanjutan Fortune 500 hingga EPA. Bahkan politik tidak ada di meja. Sementara itu, ia berencana untuk menggunakan gelar MBA-nya di Universitas Columbia untuk meletakkan dasar bagi desain yang lebih besar.

“Saya berharap untuk fokus pada modal ventura teknologi iklim untuk membuka investasi swasta; teknologi dekarbonisasi skala besar; dan menerapkan strategi yang komprehensif, adil, dan dapat ditindaklanjuti untuk melestarikan alam untuk generasi mendatang.”

45 profil kelas di jalan

Untuk kelas MBA 2024, pantainya jelas. COVID tidak menghubungkan siswa ke apartemen mereka atau membatalkan penerbangan mereka. Dalam kemerosotan ekonomi ini, perusahaan tidak menghujani kenaikan upah dan tunjangan, sehingga talenta muda mereka juga menunda sekolah bisnis. Dunia kembali ke jalur yang benar. Ini berarti satu tahun lagi Penyair dan kamuflaseKelas seri. Diluncurkan pada tahun 2015, seri ini menampilkan lusinan siswa dari 45 program MBA penuh waktu terbaik dunia, termasuk Harvard Business School, INSEAD, The Wharton School, dan Chicago Booth.

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Serial ini bekerja pada beberapa level. Pertama, cerita sekolah memperkenalkan pembaca kami – banyak di antaranya adalah pelamar potensial – pada nilai-nilai budaya dan program yang berbeda dari setiap sekolah bisnis. Akibatnya, kandidat dihadapkan pada berbagai program MBA yang paling sesuai dengan tujuan akademik dan nilai pribadi mereka. Pada saat yang sama, P & TProfil pembaca memungkinkan pembaca untuk melihat berbagai siswa yang mengisi program ini. Sepanjang jalan, P & T Mengungkap siapa yang masuk dan bagaimana – Tambahkan tanya jawab eksklusif dengan pejabat sekolah senior sehingga pembaca tetap mengetahui perkembangan baru di seluruh program ini. Intinya, seri “Class of” itu ambisius. MBA yang luar biasa adalah pelamar – sama seperti banyak pembaca kami. Pesannya: Keberhasilan mereka juga ada di ujung jari Anda.

Corfu, Universitas Duke (Fukua)

Siapa saja MBA paling menarik tahun ini? Anda bisa mulai dengan membiarkan mereka mendeskripsikan diri mereka sendiri. Universitas California di Los Angeles Anderson Cedric Nesbit Definisi keragaman dapat berupa: “Mantan konsultan, penari hip-hop, perenang, penggila konser, penjelajah dunia, pemain sepak bola profesional.” Benua yang jauh, INSEAD Eric Hosny Dia adalah “pemain yang rajin, start-up, penggila modal ventura, [who has} dabbled in NGO work (and is “overly attached” to his dog). At Indiana’s Kelley School, Chabi Gupta’s credentials include being featured in Forbes India as a Top 100 Digital Star who boasts 142,000 followers. Her classmate, Rachel Tuskes, lives by the 3 C’s: “caffeine, carbs, and curiosity. Speaking of C’s, you could say Al Corvah is unquestionably the hype man at Duke’s Fuqua School.

“My friends call me “Cash Money Corvah” for my natural salesman’s flair and infectious energy.”


Energy is defining quality of the Class of 2024. In college, Emory University’s Joel Anifowose ran a food truck. Not to be outdone, HEC Paris’ Jan Debets pedaled over 240 kilometers a week as a pharmacy’s bicycle courier during undergrad. This energy has also fueled innovation too. In his native Peru, Juan Diego Vasquez would rescue cats. Over time, he realized that he needed to develop a sustainable solution to ensure these cats enjoyed a happy life. Combining his engineering and business prowess, he designed space-saving and comfortable cat trees and homes.

“Today, Arquipets is the pioneer and leading custom pet-design Peruvian company, allows for the employment of more than 20 people, and has built a cat shelter that saves dozens of lives,” Vasquez tells P&Q. “Likewise, the company is on track in an ongoing process of innovation, digital transformation, and expansion.”

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Ryan Owen jokes that he devoted 11 years towards competing in an event “that lasted a total of 51 seconds.” With those stakes, Owen made those seconds count. A member of the British Cycling Team, Owen captured a Silver Medal in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in the men’s team sprint. The recognition came after Owen finished 2nd in two World Championships and two European championships. Despite this, he nearly missed out on his crowning moment.

“In March, 2020 I was unofficially selected for Tokyo 2020,” writes the London Business School first-year. “One week later the Olympics were postponed, and I was told I would have to spend the next year earning my place back all over again. Spending 18 months training through lockdowns, cancelled events and constant uncertainty made the step onto the podium in Tokyo feel that much more special.”


Ali Nourang Syed, Yale School of Management

Speaking of special, Adam Brewster was paid the ultimate compliment that a journalist can receive: “I’ve been quote-tweeted by former President Trump, who called my reporting “Wrong!”” Before joining the University of Michigan’s Ross School, Brewster worked as a political reporter at CBS News, including an eight-month stint “criss-crossing” Iowa during the 2020 Democratic primaries. By the same token, Colby Bermel was assigned the California energy beat as a reporter for Politico, which enabled him to tap into some of the biggest issues of the day.

“I leveraged my deep and diverse source network to break market-moving news before state leaders’ official announcements on controversial proposals to ban fracking, stop offshore drilling in state waters, and help wildfire-sparking electric utilities pay victim claims, among many policy and personnel scoops. But my most meaningful stories were accountability reporting, be it publishing the governor’s tax returns ahead of his recall election, exposing the illegal lobbying tactics of the country’s largest natural gas utility, and highlighting the state’s questionable data and decisions tied to fracking, power plant malfunctions, and energy conservation alerts.”

Some class members served opposite Bermel in the public sector. Yale SOM’s Ali Nourang Syed headed up the Office for Finance and Accounting in Pakistan’s District of Sialkot – home to nearly 4 million people. At the Central Bank of Indonesia, Michael Christian spent five years as an economist. With the advent of COVID, the MIT Sloan MBA urged his Board of Governors to cut rates in early 2020 – making Bank Indonesia one of the first central banks to take this action. Christian’s reputation was further cemented as the pandemic grew.

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“I also orchestrated unconventional policy measures, such as the burden-sharing scheme with the Ministry of Finance to fund Indonesia’s COVID-19 spending, a bold move only deployed by four countries, and a bilateral repurchase agreement with the US Fed worth tens-of-billions to stabilize the Rupiah, which depreciated 20% year-to-date in March 2020. The results are that Indonesia’s economic growth and currency were among the least impacted in emerging markets in 2020.”


Juliette Cremel, INSEAD

In high school and college, Tyler Hamilton played drums and sang backup vocals in a rock band. Where does a guy like that end up? Try director of strategy for US Army Special Operations – and now a first-year MBA at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School. By the same token, Wale Lawal comes to Harvard Business School with a Ph.D. in Materials Science and NanoEngineering. Most recently, Lawal served as the Chief-of-Staff to the Commander of the U.S. Air Force Academy. In one of his early tests, heading up the Advanced Explosives Test Range for the Air Force Research Laboratory, Lawal was assigned to turning the facility into a state-of-the-art operation while revamping staff culture. In the process, Lawal produced a 10-year, $150-million-dollar strategic plan, all while boosting revenue and testing frequency.

“Reflecting on this experience, it taught me the importance of fostering a healthy culture, listening to your people, receiving advice from experts, and creating a common goal to bring unity to a team.”

You might be surprised some first-years even came to business school. Georgetown McDonough’s Aniroodh Shankar started out as a surgeon before moving over to consulting at Bain & Company. At this moment, Jaye Aster Broder is probably the most popular first-year at Harvard Business School. She is a former product developer for Oreos, where she worked on everything from manufacturing to quality control.  At 22, INSEAD’s Juliette Cremel opened a Founders Factory, a startup accelerator and incubator, in Paris. However, the Harvard-trained Cremel eventually left her post to pursue a life-long dream…of becoming a circus trainer.

“I get paid to swing upside down on a 6-meter-high trapeze and catch people throwing themselves at me in mid-air,” she jokes.

Page 3: Profiles of 26 MBA candidates from the Class of 2024, including Harvard ,Wharton, INSEAD, Chicago Booth, and more.